How to Setup Email Marketing on your Business blog (Step 6)

In this article, ‘How to Setup Email Marketing on your business blog (Step 6 of 8),’ we will discuss making money with Email Marketing – turning your blog into a money-shredding tree with the power of permission marketing, but wait…


  • What is email marketing?
  • How can you grow your email subscriber list?
  • How can you set up auto emails using Mailchimp in your blog?
  • How can you make money (Monetize) my blog using Email Marketing?


If you have these questions, you are just on the right station. In this article, we have covered everything you need about email marketing, so grab a cup of coffee and let’s get started.

Table of Contents

What is Email Marketing?

“Hi Jennifer, Your secret Santa has a gift for you!”


Looks familiar? Every Christmas, you must have received emails like this from one or the other e-commerce site.  


All those emails in your inbox from different sites, be it confirmation mail, mail regarding new offers and discounts, or any Newsletter, are all forms of Email marketing.


So, Email marketing is nothing but a form of marketing meant to inform your customers on your email list about any of your services or products, discounts, and offers. 


Besides, it can also be a means to educate your audience on your blog topic (whatever your blog stands for), keep them engaged and create brand value. 

Why you need Email marketing, as a blogger?

  • Sell your products / services
  • Promote 3rd party affiliate products
  • Offer discounts / Crosssell / Upsells
  • Collect reviews / feedbacks
  • Educate your clients about your brand
  • Entertain and keep your audience engaged 
  • Send Event based offers

Email marketing also unlocks the power of Permission marketing, which basically enables you to send people as much affiliate offers as you want, anytime you want!

And that's because people usually sign up your for newsletter or mails, when they find your content relevant and useful.

Types of email marketing?

  • Welcome Emails

According to research, only 25% of leads on an email list are immediately sales-ready, while 50% are qualified but still need to be ready to buy your product/services.


So when you initially send emails to your new subscribers, wait to introduce a new product or service before you build a relationship.


Work on giving off a good customer utility— something that can illustrate your industry knowledge or subject expertise — and create future contact opportunities.


  • Email Newsletter

Email Newsletters are more or less like regular commercial mail.


The only difference is that they are way more engaging than regular mail as they are designed with graphics and images with very concise content.


They are sent periodically, on a weekly or monthly basis, and the purpose remains to educate people about your blog topic or promote products/ services.


  • Sponsorship Emails

Now, this is something that you buy rather than create yourself.


Sponsorship emails promote you/ your blog through another vendor’s newsletter or dedicated send; if people find you sound, they subscribe to you.


You get subscribers from other mediums, basically not from your blog.


You pay to get featured on a site or something and get a subscriber from there.

Sponsorship emails can help you reach a different audience and gain new leads.


  • Transactional Emails

These emails are more like confirmation messages when your subscriber completes an action.


For example, you buy something online. You get an order confirmation mail; something gets delivered you receive a confirmation mail.


When we talk about blogging, it can be a registration confirmation or a thank you mail for responding to your call to action.


  • Video Emails

As the name suggests, video emails are another mailing format where you incorporate a video and your mail content.


Now, this can be a wise strategy as studies show 95% of a video message is retained while hardly 10% of the text is registered in our brain.

How to create your Email marketing Campaign?

  • Set up your Mailchimp sync with blog forms
  • Include a Call to Actions in your blog
  • Create a Thank You Page
  • Make a Sign up form for your newsletter / emails
  • Make and send HTML Emailer, which helps you convert more visitors into sales
  • Strategically place your sign up form in your blog such as in the footer section, sidebar, underneath each article, about page or as a pop-up in your blog

Best tools to create Email marketing campaigns:

- Optimonster to generate leads

- Mailchimp to manage your mail list

- Wpforms to create beautiful contact forms / subscription forms or payment forms

- Monsterinsight Google Analytics plugin to track and understand your audience

How to create your Email marketing Campaign?

Steps to create an email marketing campaign using Mailchimp:


Step 1: Sign up for a Mailchimp account:

Go to the Mailchimp website and create an account.


Step 2: Create a list:

Create a list of subscribers by importing or manually adding email addresses.


Step 3: Design your Email template:

Choose a template or create your design using Mailchimp’s template builder.


Step 4: Create your campaign:

Choose the type of campaign you want to create, such as a regular campaign, automation, or A/B testing campaign.


Step 5: Add content:

Write your email content and add images, links, and other elements to the template.


Step 6: Test your campaign:

Send a test email to yourself and a few others to ensure the email looks and functions as intended.


Step 7: Schedule or send the campaign:

Please choose the date and time you want the campaign to go out or send it immediately.


Step 8: Track and analyze your campaign:

Track the performance of your campaign using Mailchimp’s built-in analytics tools.


Step 9: Use that data to improve:

Review the data and make adjustments to your campaigns accordingly.


Step 10: Repeat the process:

Create new campaigns with the knowledge you gained from the previous campaign.

Tips to get most out of your Email Campaign:

- Create & Place Sign up forms in most visible locations

- Make sure to turn Commenters Into Subscribers

- Set up Your Auto responder

- Do A/B Testing to Increase Your Emailer Conversion Rate

How to grow your Email Subscriber List?

Email marketing effectively connects with your audience, builds relationships, and grows your business. But how do you get people to sign up for your email list first? 


Tips to get the most out of your Email Campaign:


  • Offer a sign-up incentive, such as a discount code or free e-book
  • Add sign-up forms to your website, blog, and social media pages
  • Leverage content upgrades to grow your list
  • Host webinars or live events and promote sign-ups
  • Run social media contests and encourage sign-ups
  • Collaborate with other businesses and ask for cross-promotions
  • Create gated content that requires an email address to access
  • Use a lead magnet to entice sign-ups
  • Use a pop-up form on your website
  • Add a call to action to every piece of content you create, including videos and podcasts
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Ways to monetize your blog through email marketing

You can use the following methods to make money with email marketing:


  • Affiliate marketing: 
    Include affiliate links in your emails and earn a commission for any sales.


  • Sponsored content: 
    Partner with brands and include sponsored content in your emails.

  • Product promotion: 
    Promote your products or services in your emails, such as e-books, courses, or consulting services.

  • Email courses: 
    Create and sell email courses on a specific topic related to your blog.


  • Email subscriptions: 
    Offer exclusive content or bonuses to subscribers who pay for an email subscription.


  • Email-only sales: 
    Offer exclusive discounts or sales to your email subscribers.


  • Exit-intent offers: 
    Use exit-intent technology to display a special offer to visitors leaving your website.


  • Lead generation: 
    Use your email list to generate leads for other businesses or clients.


  • Email sponsorship: 
    Sell email sponsorship to other businesses, allowing them to email your list on their behalf.


  • Advertisement: 
    Insert ads in your email newsletter and earn revenue for each click.


Email marketing can be an incredibly effective tool for bloggers looking to grow their audience and monetize their small business blogs.


Email marketing works both ways – it builds a strong connection with your audience, provides them with relevant content, and monetizes your blog.

And when I talk about monetizing the blog, it reminds me of the following series blog.


Yes, if you are following our blog series, we have a complete guide on monetizing a blog. So, stay tuned, and see you at our next blog.

Good luck with your blogging journey 🙂

Sushant & Vijaya

Handpicked inspirational Youtube videos for you

How to Make an Opt-In Form for Your Email Marketing | The Journey- YT Channel,”GoDaddy”

Why you Need to Have an Email List – Email Marketing for Blogging – YT Channel,”It’s A Lovely Life”

Email Marketing for Beginners- YT Channel,”Hostinger Academy”

A. Here are a few ways you can use email marketing to promote your blog:

  • Use Opt-in forms in your blogs
  • Create an email newsletter/ eBook relevant to your blog
  • Promote your blog in your email signature
  • Include a call to action in your emails
  • Use email segmentation to target different groups of audiences.

Always remember to get explicit permission from subscribers before sending emails and include an opt-out/ unsubscribe option in every email.

A. Yes, sure, it is.

It has become as integral as never. Have a look at the below example.

Hi Jennifer! You left something in your cart!

Looks familiar, Right?

You must have received emails from something like this, from one or the other e-commerce site.

While social media and other marketing channels have gained popularity recently, email remains an effective way to reach and engage with customers.

Many businesses and marketers continue to use email marketing as a core part of their marketing strategy because it can be a cost-effective way to reach a large audience and drive conversions.

A. The 80/20 rule in email marketing refers to the idea that 80% of your emails should focus on providing value to your audience, while only 20% should be promotional.

This means that most of your emails should focus on building relationships with your customers and providing them with helpful information rather than simply promoting your products or services.

The goal of the 80/20 rule is to balance providing value to your audience and to promote your business. 

By following this rule, you can ensure that your emails are not perceived as being too sales oriented or spammy, which can lead to high unsubscribe rates. Instead, your emails will be seen as valuable resources your audience looks forward to receiving.

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